Alexander Banderov




Remote like waterfall, Whi...

4.98(44 votes)


Beyond the blue mountains I will ...

4.86(64 votes)


My friend, forget that night....

4.99(91 votes)


Now I stare inside myself. ...

4.18(11 votes)


They must wait for us, on Sirius....

4.47(17 votes)

Alexander Banderov (1933 - 2007) was born in the Rhodope village Lyaskovo. Graduate Higher Agricultural Institute in Plovdiv. Longtime editor in the newspaper. "Fatherland voice" and publishing "Hristo G. Danov". Poetry his "best lesson" (1962), "The day has two faces" (1967), "Bulgaria, Leto 893" (1970), "Journey to the Mountain" (1974), established him as one of the sharpest poets from generation to generation April, but thematically and stylistically remained outside. Poetic profile of Al. Banderov completed in an inimitable way in the books "When you away" (1979), "If you remain Memories" (1982), "Night galaxies" (1983), "Beyond the blue mountains" (1986), "Blanking notebook" (1991) , "Destruction of hours" (1993).

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