Stoianka Boianova: Master’s degree in Physics from the University "P. Hilendar ” - Plovdiv. Chief Expert at the Bulgarian Institute of Metrology, Sofia. Author of 12 books - nine collections of poetry, a novel, a collection of short stories and a haiku book, published by, India, together with Minko Tanev. Co-author in foreign anthologies and publications: Japan, India, Bulgaria, Northern Macedonia, Serbia, Poland, Germany, France, England, USA, Africa. In "The First Anthology of the Gogoshi World," 2019. Edited dictionaries and books.
Awards: Bulgaria, Japan, India, Poland, France. In the European Top 100 of the Most Creative Haiku Authors, 2018. Gold Stars from Global Literary Society for Contribution to World Literature, 2019. Included in The First Anthology of World Gogyoshi, 2019, Haiku Anthology in three languages, published in Krakow, Poland, in World Haiku № 12, 13, 14, in Japanese, English and Bulgarian, in Haiku: A Concise Anthology, India, haiku anthology Horizon, India, haiku anthology Beyond Words, Bulgaria – UK, Mamba anthology – Africa, Akita – The Land of Poetry, Japan, Haibun Today, USA, Time Haiku, UK, Osvit, Serbia, haiku anthology So Geheimnisvoll, Germany, Anthology – 10th Competition of the Bashō Memorial Museum, Japan, Daily Haiku, USA, Taj Mahal Review, India, Haiku news, Serbia, Haiku World, Bulgaria, haiku anthology Free Hugs to Strangers, Bulgarian- English, Under the Basho Modern Haiku, where silence becomes song – St. Albans, England, Time Haiku, UK, A Quarterly Journal, Haibun Today, USA, Atunis Galaxy Poetry, RAST - Northern Macedonia.Participated with Minko Tanev in the collection The Poetic Achievement of Ban’ya Natsuishi, India. Presented at The Haiku Foundation – USA.
Member of editorial board of the magazine“Haiku World”, Bulgaria. Chairman of the Haiku Club – Рlovdiv and deputy chairman of Society of the Karlovo writers. A member of Union of the Bulgarian Writers, Society of the Plovdiv writers, the Bulgarian haiku Union, The Haiku Foundation – USA, United Haiku and Tanka Society – UK, the World Haiku Association, Japan, Global Literary Society, World Nations Writers' Union, World Contemporary Lliterary Society of Nepal.
• Running Spaces [poems] (Narodna mladej, Sofia, 1982);
• A Seaside Street [poems] (Tsanko Tserkovski, Sofia, 1992; second edition, Perfect, Sofia, 1996);
• The Grass On The Other Side [poems] (Perfect, Sofia, 1996);
• Far Away, Far Away [novel] (Bulgarski pisatel, Sofia, 1998);
• Blooming Night [poems in English and Bulgarian translated by the author] (Izdatelsko atelie Ab, Sofia, 2001);
• Among The Roses [artist, author] (Atanas Seikov Foundation, Sofia, 2004);
• Wind Crosses The Valley [artist, author] (Atanas Seikov Foundation, Sofia, 2009);
• I’m Different Without You [poems] (Atanas Seikov Foundation, Sofia, 2011);
• Along The Shores Of Life [novel] (Atanas Seikov Foundation, Sofia, 2011);
• Invisible Blessing [poems] (Atanas Seikov Foundation, Sofia, 2015);
• Tops Under the Stars [haiku poems](, India, 2019) with Minko Tanev.