Haydar Ergulen




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Born in Eskişehir in 1956. Studied Sociology at METU. Worked as an advertising copywriter. His first poetry book “Karşılığını Bulamamış Sorular” (Questions who could not find their answers) is published in 1981. Writes poetry and essays. Published 13 poetry, and 12 essay books. Winner of various Turkish poetry prizes. He served as a jury member at many poetry contests. Together with friends, published the poetry magazines “Üç Çiçek” (Three Flowers) in 1983 and “Şiir Atı” (Poetry Horse) in 1986. Participated in the preparation of the “Yazılıkaya” (Written Rock”) magazine published in Eskişehir. Attended various poetry festivals and events in Turkey and abroad. Director of the International Eskişehir Poetry and the İzmir International Literature festivals. Gives lectures at universities over creative writing, poetry and philosophy. Organizes workshops over creative writing and poetry. Writes reqularly for newspapers and magazines over poetry, literature, culture. Literature consultant of arts & literature online magazine 'Artful Living'. Two of his books published in France. First book :(Carnet Intime, Al Manar, 2012), and second book: (Grenade ou Nar, Traduit du turc par Claire Lajus, L'Harmattan, 2015). Many of his poems published in international poetry anthologies and magazines. Married. Nar's father.

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