Violeta Boncheva





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Violeta Boncheva is a poet, novelist, translator from Spanish, born in Stara Zagora on April 1. Author of 15 books of prose and poetry, two of which are bilingual - Spanish and Bulgarian, translated by the Mexican playwright and translator Reynol Perez Vazquez. One of them - "In the navel of the moon" was published in an electronic version by "Lulu" publishing house - Buenos Aires. A member of the Writers Union in Bulgaria.She is the winner of awards from competitions in Bulgaria, Spain, Lebanon, Argentina, USA, etc. Some of her works have been translated into Spanish, French, English, Swedish, Catalan, etc., and published in the USA, France, Lebanon, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Spain, etc. She has participated in over 30 book publications, mainly in the Spanish-speaking world, as an author and translator, as well as in numerous electronic ones.There are three poetic bilingual books translated and published by Boncheva, and the fourth, in Spanish, was be published in Madrid, "Betania", 2022: For three years, Violeta Boncheva worked and studied Spanish in Monterrey, Mexico, from where she received a certificate for protected levels, and in 2004 she graduated from the universities of Salamanca, Granada and Santiago de Compostela, Spain, with a thesis in Spanish. He is also the recipient of the high award of the municipality of Stara Zagora "Nikolay Liliev" in 2013. Ambassador for Bulgaria of the Movement of World Poets, Chile.

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