Yordan Atanasov was born on January 25, 1943 in Braunschweig, Germany, where his parents worked as gardeners before and during the Second World War. His father and one of his brothers remained in West Germany. He grew up in the village of Draganovo and in Veliko Tarnovo. He served as a laborer in Mini Maritsa-Iztok, where he continued to work after the barracks as an electrician. Graduated in absentia in Industrial Economics at VII "Karl Marx" - Sofia and Radio Journalism at SU "Sveti Kliment Ohridski".He was an editor in the village of "Maritsa-East" and director of the first democratic newspaper in Stara Zagora after the changes - "Sinya Postha". He is currently the chairman of the community center "Daskal Petar Ivanov - 1988" and the editor-in-chief of "Literaturen Glas" - a newspaper for literature and culture, restored with a group of writers from Stara Zagorje in 1993, as a kind of continuation of the eponymous D.B. Mitov newspaper.He is a member of the Union of Bulgarian Writers, winner of the award for literature and art "Nikolay Liliev" - Stara Zagora and of awards from national literary competitions.
There are poems published in the magazines "September", "Flame", "Democratic Review", in the newspapers "Pulse", "Literary Front", "Trud", "Literary Forum", "Now", "Stershel", "Slovoto" and etc. Contributed to a number of collections and anthologies, translated into French, Russian, Greek, Hungarian and Belarusian.