Dimil Stoilov



Short Story

Men Come from Venus, Women Come from Mars

5.00(1 votes)

Dimil Stoilov was born in 1948 in the city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. He has worked in various publishing houses and for individual publishers, to name a few: “Hristo G. Danov” and “Hermes”. He is a member of the Union of Bulgarian Writers and the Union of Bulgarian Journalists.

His literary works have been published in the following Bulgarian magazines: „Plamuk“ , „Vezni“, „Trakiq“ , „Yug “, „ Stranitsa“ , „Most“ ; Almanac: „Svetla Gore“ (Holy Mountain); Newspaper: „Budilnik ׅ“(Alarm – Bulgarian edition of the UK version) „Novinar“(News presenter), „Maritza“, „Rodope“ and other publications.

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