Giuseppe Napolitano was born in Minturno (Italy), in 1949. He lives in Formia, working as cultural operator. He also founded a collection of little books: "la stanza del poeta" (the poet's room) in which several writers of Mediterranean lands have been printed. He's the organizer of "Voci del Mediterraneo" poetry Festival in his region: south Latium.
Among his last publishings: Vola alta, parola (2007); Via Crucis (2008); Antologia (poems 1967-2007, 2008); Medida de vida (2009); Ditët e Naimit (2009); Genius loci (poems to N. Soscia, 2009); Quadernetto (2010); A repentaglio (2015); Seminari di lettura (2015).
His works have been translated into Spanish, French, Albanian, English, Greek, Arab and other languages.
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