Laus Strandby Nielsen




When you have understood the map,...

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While the grass grows, loneliness...

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You throw a stick in the water, b...

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The title geysir

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Laus Strandby Nielsen, born 1944, graduated as a mag. art in Litterary History 1972. His first collection of poetry was published in 1970. His latest collection Når det er mørkt, bliver det lyst is from 2016. His poetry has been translated into Italian, Turkish, English, Icelandic, Albanian and Macedonian, He is a member of Extension Trio (with Mette Stig Nielsen, piano and Jakob Riis, laptop). Their first cd På bunden af foråret was released ind 2013. It features poems from Hvis der ikke er sandstorme, så er der nok noget andet and improvised music. In 2004 he retired from his teaching job at a teachers training college in Copenhagen and he is now living in Faaborg on the south coast of Fyn.

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