“My people vote, it’s not my choice -
I only act as their weapon”,
I heard PM* to raise her voice.
My blood ran cold for what would happen.
I like this girl, I like her courage -
She’s always helpful, always busy.
Divorce may come to follow marriage
But let the children take it easy.
Then lawyers come to start the battle.
May smiles. My God, she’s pretty!
I like this Brexit girl, no matter
that on the Balkans is my city.
I like this girl, I’ll send her flowers
To Dawning Street – to feed her vases.
I may be sent to London Tower
By MI-6**, until go crazy.
My passion’s out of discussion
And I am so resolved and serious:
I’ll dance with her – or go to Russia
To dance with bears in Siberia.
*PM – Prime Minister
**MI-6 – England’s Secret Service
London, close to the Waterloo Bridge -
Wolverhampton, The Stile Inn
19-20th of November 2017
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