Уистън Хю Одън


The Shield of Achiles

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The Hidden Law

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Song Of The Master And Boatswain

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The Labyrinth

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5.00   (2 гласа)

Time can say nothing but I told you so,

Time only knows the price we have to pay;

If I could tell you, I would let you know.


If we should weep when clowns put on their show,

If we should stumble when musicians play,

Time can say nothing but I told you so.


There are no fortunes to be told, although

Because I love you more than I can say,

If I could tell you, I would let you know.


The winds must come from somewhere when they blow,

There must be reasons why the leaves decay;

Time can say nothing but I told you so.


Perhaps the roses really want to grow,

The vision seriously intends to stay;

If I could tell you, I would let you know.


Suppose the lions all get up and go,

And all the brooks and soldiers run away?

Time can say nothing but I told you so.

If I could tell you, I would let you know.

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