Woman bark of tree, a longing to return to the very first
Word of the plant alphabet
Woman ash, the thickness of words
Worked by the earth
Woman wave, reflection of the rock made of syllables
In the shimmering silk of hesitant stammers
Woman birth, foam where nestles
The bird on the wrathful day of the gods
Woman cloud, the swell of cumulus
In the space reddened by proposals
Woman fairy, a hand laid on the anguish of
The world, guarding our sleeping
Woman flame, like the blond open wings
Of a sigh freed by a gentle caress
Woman lightning, star of the hope of the first heard sentence
Of the loved one, until the cosmic embrace
Woman light, transparent shell of the
Veil, on the continent of wedding celebrations until
The bodies are alike
Woman justice, layer upon layer of faces
Between scales and sword, who shout for equality
Woman music, flowing water carried to the
Unending end of the world, Aphrodite choir of the songs of
Woman clad of the naked grace of her silence
which carries in the words of skin-deep wounds
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