Forty atmospheres -
at 258 meters
below sea level -
said the Priest,
and in fact everything
here, around us,
should be submerged
from sea water
or ocean water…
But Some Force
holds everything
for to be Canaan,
for to exist Jericho
with the fertile,
full of minerals and salts,
among the naked
mountains with
beige - redish
hue, merging
with the fiery sunset…
with date palms,
with camels and donkeys,
who willingly
feed on the seeds
from overripe dates…
…with saturated
from the sand
Jordan River, which
does not settle
in her trough,
but in the bottle
after minutes
her water
is crystal clear…
…with the Dead Sea,
Whose waters are
So salty- bitter
like ripe olives-
synthesized in themselves
nuances of tastes
from bitter to sweet
from fasting dry to
saturating wet…
Canaan – The Land
of Honey and Milk,
which is always warm,
even when
her sky
is covered
with milky white clouds,
slotted by the rays
of the Sun…
As she is slotted
from holy places
and temples - with testimonies
for Miracles…
Forty atmospheres
pressures -
allegedly she is explosive,
but in fact
she is full with love
and gifts
Blessed Land.
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