Превод: Красимир Чакандраков

5.00   (3 гласа)

Silk was tenderly streaming from your eye pupils

And the rhythm was shaping up colours  and bodies

In the kisses flamed out and sparkled dark rubies

And I sensed gentle craving of blossoming roses


From the oval-shaped summit light ochre flowed down

And the fig-leaf came suddenly off from the hill

But when I touched with my hands the transparent gown

My horn made of  silver with fire was filled.


A soft melody warbled. The chair was singing.

Your goblet was brimming with bubbly champagne

Having found the world of the magical river

the slick gold-headed fish started swimming again


And the avalanche grew. The hot snow-drifts were breathing

But where do we run just before it's all ended?

We were rocked by the deep tide of million years

And our souls took off gently to fly up to heaven.


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