This poetry book is very fantastic. It's a comparative analysis of a collection of top-winning and complementary poems in one book written by two of the greatest known haiku poets the world has ever known, Stoianka Boianova and her husband Minko Tanev, from Bulgaria.
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Roads Through Worlds—Such A Wonderful Twirl!
Authors: Stoianka Boianova & Minko Tanev
Country: Bulgaria
Copyright: 2021
Book Title: Road Through Worlds
Languages: English and Bulgarian
Translators: Stoianka Boianova & Minko Tanev, Bulgaria
Publisher:, Allahabad, India
Publication Year: 2021
Pages: 116
ISBN: 978-93-90202-97-3
Cost: $15.00
Reviewer: Joseph S. Spence, Sr.
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