Road Through Worlds

4.56   (9 гласа)
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This poetry book is very fantastic. It's a comparative analysis of a collection of top-winning and complementary poems in one book written by two of the greatest known haiku poets the world has ever known, Stoianka Boianova and her husband Minko Tanev, from Bulgaria. They always won simultaneous awards in poetry competitions and received the same or similar awards from poetry competitions across the spectrum. The essence of their poetic inspiration, unification, and collaboration coupled with their creative and artistic uplifting is tremendous and dramatically inspires many worldwide.


Their unique and unified collaborative practice of poetic proliferation is reverential to humanity. The graciousness they proliferate is outstanding. The poetic blending of their words invokes unity and coordination in their writing style.


For example, the essence of their united poetic approach starts this inspirational text with the poet titled, "Our Story." It's a blended mixture of two alternating stanzas by both, submitted as a collaborative poem to Konect E-ZINE,  Weekly Challenge Poetry, with the topic of, "We met in the middle of our story when the soul is tired but wise," 29 June 2020. It won first place.


Illuminated Spaces


The first part of this uplifting book of poetic verses begins with Stoianka's series of poems titled "Illuminated Spaces." The initial one starting this series is "Through The Ages." This exquisite poem graced the pages of Atunis Galaxy Anthologyan anthology of contemporary world poetry, 2021; Red Quill POEMarium, Fire of Desireand other distinguished pu

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