Under siege I am obliged to make
Decisions that will shape my doom
Not in secluded gardens
Do I live love, but in flimsy rooms
As soon as I find the loveliest line
The sound of a car horn disturbs my reveries
In my mind thoughts about my life
On my pants a spot of grease
A smirking, importunate ad-spot
Tacked onto an emotional movie
Love is losing its meaning
And vengefulness growing slippery
Side by side with a child’s corpse
A laughing child lives within
How to feel unadulterated joy
And how to sorrow…both we have forgotten
Once there was a thing called sky
Endless, vast, and blue
Now, ratty clouds like sickly hounds
Are skulking aimlessly around
And the sea enchained by breakwaters
Bit by bit becomes a stagnant pool
Letting flow its poison into nature
Is the swamp within us all
Under siege I am obliged to make
Decisions that will shape my doom
But nothing can dry up the love
That green in arid soil, I make bloom
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