Let‘s survive this winter-
Under the fragile white-frost crust
Where the Life ,as flexible as fish,
Slips inevitably out
and hides in the depths.
Let‘s climb up the crest of the days-
Up to the fragrance of the wind
descending from the sky.
Let‘s live over till the coming summer
Conceived by the spring saps.
Let‘s fall silent to the steady constant rhythm
Of the hooves fading away outside.
Let‘s sink into the autumn-
under the tight skirts of the shadows
and in the red-yellow processions of the Sun...
But, you see - our Souls dash,
Shine through under the ice like fish,
Stand still as if trying to escape
From getting stuck in the Throat of Time,
Avoiding its fits of anger.
As being eternal hurry they up,
Slipping away from It- as fish always do.
Out of Fear.And hide they
Behind Its back- deep in the abyss...
Born anew they are again
Or away quietly they pass ...
Or sink,
In order to survive.
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