Where are you, God?
Where are you hiding?
From the predatory love
Of so many new-believers?
Our eyes so full of tears and prayers…
We rush like pack of wolves
After every real or imaginary sign of you
And bury each other, when we don’t find you.
We’ll turn the Pyramids upside down,
We’ll dig the Himalayas,
We’ll go down the megapolises’ drain canals,
We’ll read all old religious writings
And convert them into a computer code…
And we believe - we’ll find you!
Lord, you can’t escape
From our predatory thirst to own you -
Because it’s true, we can pervade
Into all that is existing.
And yet you are so far
Or here in an inexplicable depth.
And we continue our search
Filling our lives with a fantasy presence –
Teachings, media, rituals,
Cults, temples, old and new…
Where are you?
Are you going again into new depths
Of this perpetual universe?
Where are you going, God?
Shall we continue our search?
And still never reach you?
And still never reach you …
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