Dear Michele – as someone once wrote –
you say you have lost
some life and a bit more: think
how beautiful it is and it will be to lose
again to find at the end of an alley
from another life, the sun (well,
not necessarily the dawn of tomorrow)
warming these cold days
giving strength to those who feel drained
Dear Michele – I’d like to cry
with you but you are not crying now
even though you must admit losing
at cards and (unfortunately)
a little at love (but people say otherwise)
catching butterflies and wasting
cents too sometimes
for a sandwich or for the unlikely last
cigarette that would mark a success of yours
Then I laugh heartily with you
going back to all the times we gave
something we had for granted
and when it vanished we kept a straight face
and we knew that from those moments
we always came out aware of being
(inevitably) who we had to be
– as we climbed up to goodness, the true kind
revealed at last in a stretched hand
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