Джордж Амейбил



5.00(2 гласа)


A fuzzy half-moon hangs from the ...

5.00(1 гласа)

Виж още


5.00   (1 гласа)

All afternoon the snowflakes swirl and fall.

In the park, skaters turn on the scraped mirror

of the duck pond. They are entranced by winter

like figurines trapped in a glass ball.


This is a Christmas card, an icon of safety

and it seems to return each year out of a past

that can still reach us. It speaks for things that last,

like a breathless charm against catastrophe


and those who watch from the road are reassured

by the calm skill, the terse redundancy

that circulates in that time-warped vortex

at the edge of day, near the old stone fort

where forebears dreamed, in their nation’s infancy,

that every ill we suffer could be cured.

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