Lemon Sorbet

Превод: Ивелина Тодорова

4.67   (6 гласа)

"I'm sure he is fully aware of it."

"Are you going to tell me why you wanted to jump?"

"I was engaged. He was the love of my life



(She continues with the lies)


"But he cheated on you?"

"He died! a crash..."

"Oh... I'm so sorry."


(She couldn't bear her own jokes. She starts laughing loudly.)


"I guess you're taking it better than I expected."

"I'm sorry... sorry...


(She keeps laughing)


"I tricked you! I wasn't on the bridge to throw myself from it. But you were so convinced and adamant that I decided to join in the game."

" Wait! If you weren't there to throw yourself, then why?"

"I was just looking at the stars."

"You were looking at the stars?!"

"Yes, what's so amazing?"



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