Lemon Sorbet

Превод: Ивелина Тодорова

4.67   (6 гласа)
o-margin-top-alt:auto;mso-margin-bottom-alt:auto; line-height:normal">(He realizes his own delusion, but instead of getting angry, he also begins to laugh.)


"What about the fiancé?"

"I never had one. I always thought when I got married, it would be to a baron.


"Yes, Baron. Like Baron Munchausen.


(The scene continues as they walk around the city, talking, laughing. Everything against the background of music, without any voices being heard. He sends her home. They stop at the doorstep of the building, staring at each other again).


"Shall I see you again, Anna?"

"I hope so. We can look at the stars together."

"As long as it's not from a bridge!"


(They're smiling. A kiss. End of act II)






(Two years later)



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